Studies suggest that USUV is asymptomatic or associated with mild symptoms in most cases.

Symptoms is usually characterized by moderate fever, sometimes associated with rash and febrile jaundice.

Complication of encephalitis and meningitis were reported in patients.

Distribution of USUV in Europe and Africa. Data reported at Josephine Schoenenwald, A. K., Pletzer, M., & Skern, T. (2020). Structural and antigenic investigation of Usutu virus envelope protein domain III. Virology, 551, 46–57.

First isolated in 1959 at Usutu River, Swaziland.

There have been several reported outbreaks of USUV over the past two decades in blackbird populations across Europe.

It were reported more than a hundred cases of acute human infection, mainly in Europe, with 18 deaths associated with the diseases in 2021-22.

Molecular studies suggests a silent spread of this virus among asymptomatic humans.

The human cases reported in Europe were concomitant with an epizootic outbreak .

Zoonotic potential risk to increase the numbers of human cases.

There are no approved vaccines or antivirals available at the moment for the prevention or treatment of USUV infection.

ZIKV disease symptoms

Zika virus infections are usually asymptomatic, but when symptoms do occur, they commonly include fever, joint pain, red eyes, headache, and a maculopapular rash.

The disease has been associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Complication in pregnant woman include microcephaly and other brain malformations.

ZIKV was first isolated in Africa, 1947.

2013 Outbreak in Americas, French Polynesia associate Guillain-Barre syndrome , defect birth , microcephaly.

Include in the Blueprint priority diseases of WHO.

2018 and 2019 number of cases decline, although cases of ZIKV persists at low levels in several countries.

In 2022 was reported 3000 cases, and 4 ZIKV-related deaths.

There are no approved vaccines or antivirals available at the moment for the prevention or treatment ZIKV infection.

80% of infected people are no reported and asymptomatic.

20% of syntomic people showed mild symptoms, referee as West Nile fever (WNF).

1 in 150 people developed the encephalitis or meningitis.

Historical distribution of WNV in world: Data reported at Reisen, W. (2013). Ecology of West Nile Virus in North America. Viruses, 5(9), 2079–2105. West Nile transmission in Humans in Europe 2022, from European centre for disease prevention and Control. ECDC, 2023.

Causes the fatal neurological disease in humans.

Leading of cause of mosquito-borne disease in USA.

In 2018-2020 has cause massive outbreaks in Europe.

In US, in 2021 was reported 2,445 cases of WNV humans, and there were 165 (6.8%) confirmed deaths.

There are no approved vaccines in humans, only in horses. There is no antivirals available at the moment for the prevention or treatment of West Nile infection.

Most of the cases are asymptomatic or with mild symptoms (Headache, fever, and myalgia).

Newborns and children up to the age of 15 years are more vulnerable to JE with the increased threat of neurological complications over adult.

High mortality rate, who survives, 20-30% suffer permanent neurologic sequels.

JEV distribution on Asia. Data reported from 2023 at Centers for disease control and prevention. CDC,

According with WHO, in 2019 were reporter almost 68,000 cases of JE with 20-30 % mortality rate.

2 millions people living in endemic countries with JEV, Sporadic outbreaks in the Western Pacific and northern Australia are also observed. Recently outbreak was observed in southern Australia 2022.

The major causes of viral encephalitis in Asia.

There are approved vaccine use as pre-travel precaution in endemic countries, where multiple doses of vaccine are recommended. Although large-scale vaccination of susceptible population must be implemented.

There is any antivirals available at the moment for the prevention or treatment of JE infection.

The infections can cause wide of range symptoms.

The incubation time may the disease appear asymptomatic or mild.

Dengue fever (DF) is referring the mild acute febrile illness.

Critical phase refers the dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), characterized with usual vascular permeability and internal bleeding which may leads to hypovolemic shock, known as dengue shock syndrome (DSS).

Infection can lead to different level of seriousness depending on the virus serotypes and previous exposure with the virus.

The initial phase with no-specific like flu symptoms.

20-30% of infected patient evolute for neurological complication, such as encephalitis, meningitis or meningoencephalitis and or myelitis.

20% of cases can develop long term neurological and psychological sequalae.

Distribution of Dengue cases notified globally from 2022- 2023. Data from European centre for disease prevention and Control. ECDC, 2023, 2023.

It is the most common mosquito borne disease which causes up to about 100-400 millions of cases per year globally and ~20000 deaths annually.

The distribution of epidemic showed that outbreaks is happening all over the world.

There 4 serotype of DENV, DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. The co-circulation of multiple dengue serotypes in endemic area is common and increase the change of people developing severe manifestations such as DHF/DSS.

There are available two license vaccines, Dengvaxia® (CYD-TDV) and Denvax® (TAK003). Dengvaxia, only licensed for use in the prevention of all dengue serotypes in individuals aged 9–45 years in persons previously confirmed to have had dengue. And TAK-003 has the potential to be used for travelers to endemic areas regardless of serostatus, but still under investigation.

There is no approved antiviral.

Over 70% of infectious are asymptomatic.

Infectious can progress in two phases, the initial phase and a secondary phase with neurological complications.

The initial phase with no-specific like flu symptoms.

20-30% of infected patient evolute for neurological complication, such as encephalitis, meningitis or meningoencephalitis and or myelitis.

20% of cases can develop long term neurological and psychological sequalae.

TBEV distribution on Europe and Asia. Data reported from 2022 at Centers for disease control and prevention.

The most important zoonotic central nervous system (CNS) diseases in human in Europe and Asia. 10,000 to 15,000 cases were reported per year.

New endemic areas are resurging each year. The countries with highest incidence of disease are Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Latvia.

An increase of cases has been observed in endemic areas but also the occurrence of sporadic cases in no-endemic areas. 2020 has the highest increase of the disease compared the previous three years.

2% of cases can lead to a fatal outcome.

There are two vaccines licensed and available in Europe and recommended for individuals living, working or traveling within TBE-endemic Although clear guidelines for TBE vaccination are in place, compliance by individuals/healthcare providers is not known.

Currently, there is no approved antiviral treatment or prevention of TBEV infections in humans.

The toolbox for this virus is currently in development. Please contact us via for more information.

YFV infection exhibits a broad spectrum of clinical presentations. Some individuals experienced a self-limited or mild febrile illness and a significant portion progress to severe manifestation, including complication of severe hemorrhage and liver diseases.

Among those who developed several diseases 30-60% dies.

Data reported at: Reno, E., Quan, N. G., Franco-Paredes, C., Chastain, D. B., Chauhan, L., Rodriguez-Morales, A. J., & Henao-Martínez, A. F. (2020). Prevention of yellow fever in travellers: an update. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 20(6), e129–e137.

Yellow fever virus is estimated to cause 200,000 cases of disease and 30,000 deaths each year, with 90% occurring in Africa.

40 countries are considered endemic and at high-risk for YF outbreaks.

The vaccine from Sanofi Pauster (YF-VAX) is available, the vaccination coverage remains inadequate in endemic areas, especially during outbreaks.

There is any antiviral available to support on the treatment.