Over 70% of infectious are asymptomatic.
Infectious can progress in two phases, the initial phase and a secondary phase with neurological complications.
The initial phase with no-specific like flu symptoms.
20-30% of infected patient evolute for neurological complication, such as encephalitis, meningitis or meningoencephalitis and or myelitis.
20% of cases can develop long term neurological and psychological sequalae.
The most important zoonotic central nervous system (CNS) diseases in human in Europe and Asia. 10,000 to 15,000 cases were reported per year.
New endemic areas are resurging each year. The countries with highest incidence of disease are Lithuania, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Latvia.
An increase of cases has been observed in endemic areas but also the occurrence of sporadic cases in no-endemic areas. 2020 has the highest increase of the disease compared the previous three years.
2% of cases can lead to a fatal outcome.
There are two vaccines licensed and available in Europe and recommended for individuals living, working or traveling within TBE-endemic Although clear guidelines for TBE vaccination are in place, compliance by individuals/healthcare providers is not known.
Currently, there is no approved antiviral treatment or prevention of TBEV infections in humans.
The toolbox for this virus is currently in development. Please contact us via info@virusbankplatform.be for more information.