More than 50% of the infected patients develop a chronic, long-term disease, characterized by a debilitating arthralgia that can persist for weeks to months.

Death from MAYV is rare.

The virus is endemic to the tropical forests of the Amazon and was repeatedly detected in humans and mosquitoes in Latin America and the Caribbean. Despite being rarely fatal, MAYV infections have high socioeconomic impact due to the chronic painful incapacitating phase of the disease. There are no approved vaccines or antivirals available at the moment for the prevention or treatment of MAYV infection.

SFV is usually transmitted by female mosquitoes of the Aedes subspecies. Human cases are not common and can occur via spillover (Through bite of infected mosquitoes).

Several patients suffer from a chronic polyarthritis that can severely incapacitate the patient for weeks up to several years after the acute stage.

Death from chikungunya is rare.

Millions of CHIKV cases have been reported in the Caribbean region and several countries of Central and South America. Local transmission cases have been also reported in Europe (e.g. Italy and France). Despite being rarely fatal, CHIKV infections have high socioeconomic impact due to the chronic painful incapacitating phase of the disease. There are no approved vaccines or antivirals available for the prevention or treatment of CHIKV infection.

The virus is endemic to Central and South America where outbreaks in humans and equids have been reported in at least 12 countries. The mortality of VEEV in humans is lower than 1%, but neurological symptoms are seen in up to 14% of the infected persons. Currently, there is no approved antiviral or vaccine for treatment or prevention of VEEV infections in humans.

The toolbox for this virus is currently in development. Please contact us via for more information.

Although many SINV infections are asymptomatic, SINV can result in a febrile illness associated with maculopapular rash and joint pain.

The virus is widely distributed throughout the world including Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. SINV is used as tool to study alphaviruses at lower biosafety level. There are no approved vaccines or antivirals available at the moment for the prevention or treatment of SINV infection.

Some patients can suffer from a chronic long-term disease, characterized by a debilitating arthralgia that can persist for weeks to months.

Death from RRV is rare.

The virus is endemic in Australia, Papua New Guinea and other islands in the South Pacific. Despite being rarely fatal, RRV infections have high socioeconomic impact due to the chronic painful incapacitating phase of the disease. There are no approved vaccines or antivirals available for the prevention or treatment of RRV infection.